Puzzler’s Propensity for Popular Puzzling! Genuine woodworking pastime for sixteen lab hours. Find out the secrets to successful puzzles and create a variety of different styles. From Pattern development to exterior and interior cutting will be demonstrated by your trainer and at each step you will be involved in duplicating what the instructor just demonstrated. Have no fear though. the trainer is near.
Class Overview: Creating Puzzles to Last for Generations
The following are specific woodworking technologies presented.
Discover the machining characteristics of different species of woods
Learn to identify types of saw blades and which works best in a particular situation
Begin to build a library of patterns from everyday items
Discover the theory behind tensioning a blade
Try the various types of scroll saws available in the lab
Recognize the necessary speeds and feeds for different species of woods
Learn about blades sizes to tightness of a cut arc or circle
Age Restrictions Class for AGES 12 and UP or with consent of the instructor
Certifications A certificate is awarded upon class completion
No Prerequisites; No background in woodworking; NO materials or tools needed.
Class Time and Information The class takes sixteen hours in eight hour blocks of time over a two day period encompassing a Saturday and Sunday. Days and times may maybe altered depending on the circumstances.
Course #
Course Title
Lab Fee
Material Fee
Basic Frett & Scroll Techniques
Ready to craft? Enroll Today!
Fill out the form below or call us at: 1-636-343-3750